Happy Almost Mother’s Day (video)

by Katrina on May 10, 2012

The other day, I caught my kids arguing about who loves me more.

“…I love her to the moon and back.”

“Oh yeah, well I love her to the sun and back. The sun is farther than the moon.”

“Well, I love her eyeball!”

You love her eyeball? That doesn’t even make any sense.”

“Yeah. That’s the biggest number.”

“You mean google?”

“Oh, yeah. Google! I love her google times google. That’s even bigger than google!”

“I love her infinity! That’s bigger than any of the numbers, Jake.”

“I love her infinity times google, times another google!”

“That’s cheating! Infinity times google is just infinity…”

“I’m not cheating. You’re cheating!”

It was hard to break it up.

In that spirit, I hope you will enjoy the new MomsRising Mother’s Day video as much as I did. I recommend you watch it with you own name first (click on this link and you’ll see what I mean), then send it you your favorite moms.

MomsRising Mother's Day video image

* * *

Hey, guess what? I was interviewed for a story about motherhood and feminism by writer Lisen Stromberg in this month’s Diablo Magazine: We Are Women. Hear Us Roar. Again.

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