Send a valentine to congress

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by Katrina on February 11, 2011

Create your own valentine, and let your representatives know you care about affordable, quality child care.

It’s takes one minute to make your valentine online. MomsRising will print it and send it to congress along with thousands of others. You can start here>

This is why MomsRising says supporting child care and preschool is so important:

Nearly 12 million children under age five regularly spend time in child care.  Quality, affordable early learning programs, like Head Start, help children succeed in school and in life. More than 85% of a child’s core brain structure is formed by age 5. So it’s no surprise that quality preschool programs, like Head Start, improve later school grades; those programs are literally helping kids build the brains they need to succeed.

Quality early learning programs also build strong families. In today’s economy, most families need two incomes to make ends meet. That makes preschool and child care a necessity for working parents and when parents do better, kids do better too.

Parents are struggling enough in this economy without worrying about whether they can afford child care and whether their children are safe. If we can’t remind Congress about the millions of children and families that depend on early care and education programs, hundreds of thousands of children throughout the country could lose quality, affordable child care and preschool.

By the way, just this week the IRS declared that breast pumps will be a tax-deductible expense. This decision came after MomsRising started a petition that collected more than 24,000 signatures. Groups like MomsRising can make things happen!

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